Author/Artist: White Lion
Title: Sweet Little Loving
Album: Pride

Song Notes:

^ Denotes a pinch harmonic and not a natural harmonic, to do a pinch
harmonic snap the string with the pick and then gently 'pinch' between 
the pick and the bottom of your thumb.  Vito uses the pinch harmonic
often in a lot of songs so make sure you practice it a lot to get the right soun


Some of the trem work in this transcription may not be totally correct since
Vito uses a Steinberger guitar which allows the trem to be pulled or pushed,
so I tried my best to preserve the same sound.  Feel free to do your own thing
or if you are one of the lucky ones who own a Steinberger then you can do it
exactly like Vito.

Vito also uses sweep picking frequently in a lot of his fills, as seen in this song.

This is an excellent site for beginners because it has tons of excercises
along with audio samples.  Enjoy!

White Lion Rules!!  Vive a Vito!!

                                               ^Feedback (let ring)           











                                                      ^ dive with tremolo     










 ^ Bend trem down then slowly let up while making a bunch of sliding string   

 noise then hit note (16) then do a dive bomb                                 


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