Devirgination Studies
(There isn't a solo in this song, there just isn't an outro option.)

I went to go see Whitechapel last night,
and I talked to one of their guitarists 
and he told me the very last riff to 
Devirgination Studies. He didn't tell me 
every part of it, so I've had to figure 
some of it out myself. It was a little hard
to remeber exactly what he told me, so it 
may be a little off. Instead of tabbing out
the entire song, I'll just tab out that riff.
For the rest of the song, just check out
the other tab.

Gtr 1
 . . . . . . .

All Gtrs
|--------------------------------| x2
 " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

Gtr 1
 . . . . . . .    . . . . . . .    |  x2
Gtrs 2&3                           |
 .     .   . .    .     .   . .

All Gtrs
|----------------------------------| x2
 . . . . . . .    . . . . . . .

All Gtrs
(This is the riff he told me, again, it may be a little off.)
|----------------| x4
 . . . . . . .

Gtr 1 plays this after 2nd and 4th time of the above.
(I'm not sure on this one, but I think it's close.)

All Gtrs
  . . .

Sorry, all of it may not be right,
and I kind of feel like a jackass
tabbing this out after not being able
to remember exactly what he said,
but this is extremely close to what
he said. So, there you go.


Palm Mute        = .
Pinch Harmonic   = *
Slide Up         = /
Slide Down       = \
Bend             = b
Natural Harmonic = #
Hammer On        = h
Pull Off         = p
Tremolo Pick     = "
Pick Scrape      = x\
Vibrato          = ~
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