• Song:

    Paper Walls

  • Artist:


  • Album:

    Paper Walls

Artist: Yellowcard
Album: Paper Walls
Song: Paper Walls
Runtime: 4:28

Intro - Choir sings + Acoustic guitar (0:00 - 0:33):

      Bm (x24432@1)      G (320003@1)       DE (xx0232@1)|---2---------3---------2--------)|   The D chord lasts
B |---3---------3---------3--------)|   twice as long as the
G |---4---------0---------2--------)|   other chords.
D |---4---------0---------0---(x4--)|
A |---2---------2------------------)|   (If you decide to bar
E |-------------3------------------)|   these chords, use D5.)

Intro 2 - Until vocals start (0:36 - 0:50):

         G (320003@1)        F# (244322@1)    G (320003@1)      B (x2444x@1)name="chord_xx0232@1">D F#E (244322@1)|---------------------------------------------| On the last time,
B |---------------------------------------------| hold on the B so
G |-------7----7-7----------7--7-7---4-7--------| you can go straight
D |-------7----7-7---4-4----7--7-7---x-x-4?(x4)-| into the verse.
A |-------5----5-5---4-4----5--5-5---2-5-x------|
E |--///-------------2-2^----------------2------|
               > >

Verse Pt. 1 - (0:50 - 1:05):

        B5 (x244xx@1)        G5 (355xxx@1)      D5E (xx023x@1)|-----------------------------------------------------------|
B |-----------------------------------------------------------|
G |-----------------------------------------------------------|
D |------------------------------7-----7-----7-----7------(x2)|
A |-----9-----9------5-----5-----5-555-5-555-5-555-5-555------|
E |-----7-777-7-777--3-333-3-333------------------------------|
PM:     ................................................

The strumming is weird, just listen so you can tell where to put the bass notes, but 
( ^ verse Pt. 1 ^) sounds right-ish.

Verse Pt. 2 - (1:05 - 1:08):

E |------------------------------|
B |------------------------------|
G |------------------------------|
D |------------------------------|
A |--2-----2-----5-----5---------|
E |--0-000-0-000-3-333-3-333-----|
PM: ........................

Verse Pt. 3 - (1:08 - 1:28):

[Guitar 1 - same as Guitar for Pt. 1)
        B5 (x244xx@1)        G5 (355xxx@1)      D5E (xx023x@1)|-----------------------------------------------------------|
B |-----------------------------------------------------------|
G |-----------------------------------------------------------|
D |------------------------------7-----7-----7-----7------(x2)|
A |-----9-----9------5-----5-----5-555-5-555-5-555-5-555------|
E |-----7-777-7-777--3-333-3-333------------------------------|
PM:     ................................................

[Guitar 2 - Same chords but the full versions.]

       Bm (x24432@1)         G (320003@1)          DE (xx0232@1)|----2-----2------3-----3------2-----2------2-----2--------|
B |----3-333-3-333--3-333-3-333--3-333-3-333--3-333-3-333----|
G |----4-----4------0-----0------2-----2------2-----2--------|
D |----4-----4------0-----0------0-----0------0-----0----(x4)|
A |----2-----2------2-----2----------------------------------|
E |-----------------3-----3----------------------------------|

Pre-Chorus - (1:27 - 1:31):

    B5 (x244xx@1)           DE (xx0232@1)|-2--2-2-----------------| This B5 has the 5th on the
B |-x--x-x-----------------| E string, it's weird but
G |-4--4-4-----------------| sounds right!!!
D |-x--x-x?(x3)------------|
A |-2--2-2------xx-55555---|
E |------------------------|

Chorus - Distortion, high gain. (1:31 - 1:45):

      D5 (xx023x@1)  F#5 (244xxx@1)   D5 (xx023x@1)  G5E (355xxx@1)|--------------------------------|
B |--------------------------------|
G |---7-------------7--------------|
D |---7------4------7-----5--------|
A |---5------4------5-----5--------|
E |----------2------------3--------|

Violin Part (1:45 - 1:49)
     B (x2444x@1)  C# (x43121@1)  D (xx0232@1)   G (320003@1) AE (x02220@1)|----------------------------|
B |----------------------------| I don't think the
G |--4----6-----7---------14---| guitar plays along,
D |--x----x-----x-----5---x----| but go ahead ^_^
A |--2----4-----5-----x---12---|
E |-------------------3--------|

Verse 2 - (1:49 - 2:20):

[Guitar 1 - Notice how it's the same as the intro w/ the chorus.]

      Bm (x24432@1)      G (320003@1)       DE (xx0232@1)|---2---------3---------2--------)|   The D chord lasts
B |---3---------3---------3--------)|   twice as long as the
G |---4---------0---------2--------)|   other chords.
D |---4---------0---------0---(x4--)|
A |---2---------2------------------)|   (If you decide to bar
E |-------------3------------------)|   these chords, use D5.)

[Guitar 2 - It's like Pt. 3 of the first verse.]

       Bm (x24432@1)         G (320003@1)          DE (xx0232@1)|----2-----2------3-----3------2-----2------2-----2--------|
B |----3-333-3-333--3-333-3-333--3-333-3-333--3-333-3-333----|
G |----4-----4------0-----0------2-----2------2-----2--------|
D |----4-----4------0-----0------0-----0------0-----0----(x4)|
A |----2-----2------2-----2----------------------------------|
E |-----------------3-----3----------------------------------|

Pre-Chorus - (2:20 - 2:22):

    D5 (xx023x@1)          DE (xx0232@1)|------------------------|
B |------------------------|
G |-7--7-7-----------------|
D |-7--7-7?(x3)------------|
A |-5--5-5------xx-55555---|
E |------------------------|

Chorus - Distorted, high gain. (2:22 - 2:50):

      D5 (xx023x@1)  F#5 (244xxx@1)   D5 (xx023x@1)  G5E (355xxx@1)|--------------------------------|
B |--------------------------------|
G |---7-------------7--------------|
D |---7------4------7-----5----(x2)|
A |---5------4------5-----5--------|
E |----------2------------3--------|

Bridge - (2:50 - 3:18):

     D (xx0232@1)    F# (244322@1)    D (xx0232@1)     F# (244322@1)  F# (244322@1)     F# (244322@1) D (xx0232@1)name="chord_x43121@1">C# B (x2444x@1)name="chord_022100@1">E F#E (244322@1)|-------------------------------------------------------------------|
B |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
G |--7--7-7---------7--7-7-----------------4444--7-6-4-2--------------|
D |--7--7-7--4-4-4--7--7-7--4-4-4--4444444-4444--x-x-x-x-4-4-4-4--(x4)|
A |--5--5-5--4-4-4--5--5-5--4-4-4--4444444-2222--5-4-2-0-x-x-x-x------|
E |----------2-2-2----------2-2-2--2222222---------------2-2-2-2------|
             > > >          > > >

Intro - Acoustic guitar, then Electric (3:18 - 3:33):

      Bm (x24432@1)      G (320003@1)       DE (xx0232@1)|---2---------3---------2--------)|   The D chord lasts
B |---3---------3---------3--------)|   twice as long as the
G |---4---------0---------2--------)|   other chords.
D |---4---------0---------0---(x4--)|
A |---2---------2------------------)|   (If you decide to bar
E |-------------3------------------)|   these chords, use D5.)

Pre-Chorus - (3:18 - 3:42):

E |------------------------------|
B |------------------------------|
G |--77777777--44444444----------| I'm not sure how the timing is
D |--xxxxxxxx--xxxxxxxx----(x2)--| on the last D  Just listen to the
A |--55555555--22222222----------| song !
E |------------------------------|

    D5 (xx023x@1)          DE (xx0232@1)|------------------------|
B |------------------------|
G |-7--7-7-----------------|
D |-7--7-7?(x3)------------|
A |-5--5-5------xx-55555---|
E |------------------------|

Chorus - Distorted, high gain. (3:42 - 4:10):

      D5 (xx023x@1)  F#5 (244xxx@1)   D5 (xx023x@1)  G5E (355xxx@1)|--------------------------------|
B |--------------------------------|
G |---7-------------7--------------|
D |---7------4------7-----5----(x2)|
A |---5------4------5-----5--------|
E |----------2------------3--------|

Intro 2 - Until vocals start (4:10 - 4:26):

     G (320003@1)        F# (244322@1)    G (320003@1)      B (x2444x@1)name="chord_xx0232@1">D F#E (244322@1)|----------------------------------------|
B |----------------------------------------|
G |--7----7-7----------7--7-7---4-7--------|
D |--7----7-7---4-4----7--7-7---x-x-4?(x2)-|
A |--5----5-5---4-4----5--5-5---2-5-x------|
E |-------------2-2^----------------2------|

E |-----------------------------------|
B |-----------------------------------|
G |-7----7-7--------------------------|
D |-7----7-7--4-4---------------------|
A |-5----5-5--4-4---------------------|
E |-----------2-2/7-------------------|

Let's burn a hole so we can climb out
Of these paper walls and this empty house
Don't listen too close
The words are like guns
With bullets that fly and kill what you've won

Let's burn a hole so we can climb out
Of these paper walls and this empty house
Where the only thing that's real is
Visions we have of ten years ago
Of stars in the sky and us down below
With streets and East Coast lines,
We kept this scene alive

Here I am, still hold on to this dream we had
Won't let go of it
Hear me now, you will never be alone

Don't listen too close
The words are like guns
With bullets that fly and kill what you've won
Some love to hate and some tell you lies
[Paper Walls lyrics on http://www.metrolyrics.com]

So let's make a toast and kiss them goodbye
We'll kiss them all goodbye

Here I am, still hold on to this dream we had
Won't let go of it
Hear me now, you will never be alone
Here I stand, won't turn back again
Won't leave you, I know how hard it's been
Hear me now, you will never be alone

Let's take what hurts and write it all down
On these paper walls and this empty house
And when our ink runs out,
We'll burn into the ground

Here I am, still hold on to this dream we had
Won't let go of it
Hear me now, you will never be alone
Here I stand, won't turn back again
Won't leave you, I know how hard it's been
Hear me now, you will never be alone

| /  slide up
|   slide down
| h  hammer-on
| p  pull-off
| ~  vibrato
| +  harmonic
| x  Mute note
| >  Accent

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