Here is the Del Mccoury song sometimes played by yonder
submitted by arejay156

G (320003@1)           FEli (133211@1)Renfro killed his wife
C (x32010@1)                 GWith (320003@1)a long sharp bowie knife
C (x32010@1)                D (xx0232@1)              GHacked (320003@1)her up and put her in the ground
G (320003@1)                     FDeath (133211@1)by hanging was to be his fate
C (x32010@1)            GAnd (320003@1)old Eli filled with hate
C (x32010@1)                        DPut (xx0232@1)a curse on the entire town

           G (320003@1)             FCan't (133211@1)you hear, can't you hear
C (x32010@1)                           GWhen (320003@1)the moon is bright and clear
            GFrom (320003@1)time to time
          G (320003@1)            FIt's (133211@1)old Eli dragging chains
C (x32010@1)                    DAnd (xx0232@1)moaning peoples names
       G (320003@1)                     F (133211@1)    C (x32010@1)      GAnd (320003@1)I hope and I pray that he never thinks of mine

I was walking the high road late last night
The stars were out and the moon was bright
The wind was blowing you could hear for half a mile
Then an awful sound came through the trees
It chilled my blood and it shook my knees
The kinda thing that makes a man run wild

[ Chorus ]

Well if you get home before I do
Don't look back cause I'm coming through
I'm packing my things and I'm headed far away
They say you can't run away from a curse
Maybe this time I'll be the first
Ain't nobody here gonna make me stay

 Chorus - 
(repeat: and I hope and I pray he never thinks of mine)

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