
 |                                                                |

She got girls      Girls all over the world
She got men        Every now and then

|                                                                                    |

But she can't make up her mind, on just how fill her time, and the only way she can wind



   AC  DC She's got some other lover as well as me
   AC  DC She's got some other fella as well as me


 She's got some other lover as well as me

-- Then is the same as verse:

She got spunk
But they call her a punk
She can sing
You wanna see her Ding-a-ling
Well let's be in it together
I guess she'll be in it forever
You gotta take it now or never

-- Then repeat the Chorus

ACDC She's got some other lover as well as me
ACDC She's got some other fella as well as me
She's got some other lover as well as me






-- The verse but with a heavy palm mute:


She got girls, girls all over the world
She got men, every now and then


-- Chorus

ACDC She's got a lover as well as me
ACDC She's got a fella as well as me
She's got a fella as well as me
She's got some other lover as well as me (repeating the last riff)

-- Then the riff is the same as in the heavy palm mute part. Dougie's guitar plays 
(with palm muting):

G|----------------------------|--- x4 times

ACDC Some other lover as well as me
ACDC Some other fella as well as me

-- Then when Joan begins to sing loud the guitar plays:

|-8/99999999-13/1414141414141414-|---- (x4 times)

The last chord can be played easier in:


-- The End:

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