• Song:

    Going All The Way

  • Artist:

    Matthew Good Band

  • Album:

    Beautiful Midnight

Author/Artist: Matthew Good Band
Title: Going All The Way
Album: Beautiful Midnight
Transcribed by: Myles Bell
Email: myles_bell@hotmail.com

This is a sweet song, listen to the song for timing and chord struming, if you
don't have this CD get it!!. Please send me any corrections, or send me your
MGB tabs and ill try to correct them for you.  This song sounds sweet on a
12 string.




(Two ways one is barre chords the other which i prefer is open)


After three times through the above play this, do the whole thing once then go
into the intro again and repeat again, then go into the chorus.
(again two ways)



(Use barre chords if you want by i think the open chords have a much
more rich fuller sound.)


I'll try to get the and and post it.
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