Monster Magnet - Space Lord

There is a rhythmic quality to the chordage where the power E chord is intersperced  with
a stum of the open strings.  The same quality is seen in the power A chord.  Listen to the
song and you'll understand the timing.

E                                A (for whole verse)
I've been stuffed in your pocket for the last hundred days
When I don't get my bath I take it out on the slaves
So grease up your baby for the ball on the hill
Polish them rockets now, and swallow those pills

A (use the rythmic strumming from the verse but only use A and hold when singing the space
lord part)
And sing... Space Lord Mother

(back to the E, A rythmic strumming)
Huh! Uh huh

E                          A (same style as first verse)
There's a car in the field now in a column of flame
With two doors to choose but only one bears your name
You've been drinking my blood well I've been licking your wounds
I'll shave off the pitch now in the scope of your tune

A (same as last time)
You'll sing... Space Lord Mother

Emaj               D             A7
(the D chord is played without the finger on the high E string,
the chorus has the same rhytmic quality as the verses but uses
full chordage instead of power chords for a fuller sound)
I left my throne a million miles away
I drink from your tit
I sing your blues every day
Now give me the strength
To split the world in two yeah
I ate all the rest and now I've gotta eat you

(back to the E, A verse strumming)
Well I sing

(E, A strumming)
Built in my nightmares and using my name
You're stroking my cortex and you know I'm insane
I'm squeezed out in hump drive and drownin' in love
Encompass them all to a position above

A (same as before)
Well I sing... Space Lord Mother

E                D               A7
(remember to leave out the high E on the D)
I left my throne a million miles away
I drink from your tit
I sing your blues every day
Now give me the strength
To split the world in two yeah
I ate all the rest and now I've gotta eat you

(continue with chorus chords)
Well I sing... Space Lord Mother

Transition here to an E > C, listen to the song for timing

E                             C
I lost my soul when I fell to earth
My planets called me to the void of my birth
The time has come for me to kill this game
Now open wide and say my name

(back to the chorus chords, repeat as much as you like)
Space Lord Mother


Thanks go to Michael Richardson's youtube video detailing the chords.
I just wanted to get a better version of the song up for anyone who's interested.

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