• Song:

    Body Count

  • Artist:


  • Album:

    The Best of Morgoth 198...

-MORGOTH - BODY COUNT from the "Cursed" CD (c) 1991 Century Media
-Transcribed by Chris Myhre. Version 1.0 July 99
-For questions, corrections, etc email me: bowel_ripper@hotmail.com
-For best print edit the left/right margins in page setup to make the tab fit the sheet
-Tuning: one step down (1:D, 2:A, 3:F, 4:C, 5:G, 6:D)
-Notation legend: . = palm mute; ph = pinch harmonic; ~ = vibrato; * = see note
					     ______ _______
1>|riff A-----------------------------------| 1    | 2*   x2--riff B-----------------------
2>|gtr 1 & 2-----------------------------------------------|-------------------------------
3>|-------------------------------------------------* gtr 2|-------------------------------
   . ...   .     ........... ...   .   ............	    ..............................

		    		         			   riff C
  ------------------x2--------|--------'end riff with this--------|gtr 1 actually tremolos
  -------------------|--------|--------'--------------------------|the riff at double speed
  -------------------|-riff A-|-riff B-'--------------------------|-----------------
   ............. . .			............     . . .     ................

  -----------------x4-riff D--------x3-----whole riff x4-------------------w/fill 1----x2
  ------------------|----------------'-----------------|-------------------last time----|
   ................  . ...   .	      ................

  |riff E------------------------------------------------------------------x2

  |there's a fifth harmony to this riff probably by a 3rd guitar-----------x2
  |--------|gtr 1 joins 2nd time------------x3--------|--------'   1 - 3       |
  |-riff E-|---------------------------------|-riff C-|-riff D-'----------------
	    ................................			......
  |  4             x4--------'---------------------------------------------------|
  ------------------|--------'----the song ends with some feedback and diving----|
  ------------------|-repeat-'----with the trem.bar and vibrato on the 13th fret-|
  ------------------|-riff E-'----on the first string, while it continues into---|
  -------------3333-|--------'3---"Exit to temptation"...------------------------|
  			1>|13br----------------| fill 1 gtr 3
  			2>|--------------------| br = slow full bend and release
  			3>|--------------------| (release half step with vibrato)

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