I've looked everywhere for the tabs for this song, and it doesn't seem they exist
on the web. This isnt really a hard song, so I decided to tab it myself. This is all the parts
the song, most im sure of. To get the timing and stuff just listen to it, it's a pretty 

standard tuning

|-2---2-5---5-7---7-5-5-5-| repeat a few times...

|---------7---9---| again, repeat a few times...


|----------| repeat this a bunch of times, there's some variation to it
|-3-5------| that i couldn't quite figure out, but this works just fine.

|---------7---9---| this part again...

|---------------------------| repeat this twice

|---------------------------| repeat twice


|-9-| I seem to hear this note quietly repeated in the background, but I might
|-7-| just be going crazy.

|-------------| this plays twice then..
|-12-11-10-8 -|

|---------7---9---| ..back to this part

|---------------------------| repeat this a couple of times...


|-0-2-0-----------------------------------------------| not 100% sure of this
|-------2---0-2-0---------------------2-0-2-0-2-0-2-0-| but it works ok

|---------------------------| play once...

|-----------------------| and thats it.

for corrections or comments please email me

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