                             FORTUNE TELLER - Xavier Rudd
Tabbed by: XmaximX
Rate & comment, its soo easy to do plus this is my first tab.

After picking apart a few live vids, this seems to be the accurate low down of 
the song. All you need to play the song is here
Tuning: Open E

MAIN RIFF (clean)
e |-----------------------------------------| after four times hold the 
B |-----------------------------------------| octave G at the end
G#|-----------------------------------------| ->this happens only sometimes 
E |-0-----2h3p2p0-----------------0h3-3-0h3-|   in the song
B |--0------------0h3-3/5---0h3-2-----------|
E |--0--------------------0-------0h3-3-0h3-|

alternate riff played once during intro (0:11)
e |-------------------------------------------|
B |-------------------------------------------|
E |-0------0h2p0-------------------0h3-3-0h3--|
B |--0----------3-0h3-3/5---0h2-3-------------|
E |--0--------------------0--------0h3-3-0h3--|

Main Riff played through verse

riff two (slightly distorted)
e |--------------------------------------------------------------|
B |--------------------------------------------------------------|
E |--0--2-3-----------0--2-3----------0--2-3----------5--3-2-3-2>|
B |---------0h3p0------------0h3p0-----------0h3p0---------------|
E |-0------------3---0------------3--0------------3---5--3-2-3-2>|

Chorus -- Main Riff is played with distortion

one more variation of main riff in outro
e |------------------------------------------| 
B |------------------------------------------| 
E |-0-----2h3p2p0-----------0h5-3--3\2-3-----|  
B |--0------------0h3-3/5----------------0h3>|
E |--0--------------------0>-----------------|

Main riff x2
Alt riff x1
Main riff x1    Hold the octave G

->Main riff x4  Hold oct. g on 4th time
Main riff x4 
riff two x2   Slightly Distorted
Main riff x4    Distorted, hold oct. g on 4th time

->Main riff x4  Clean
riff two x2   Slightly Distorted
Main riff x4    More Distorted

Didgeridoo solo
  riff two x4 Slightly Distorted
  Main riff x3  Distorted
2nd alt riff x1 Distorted
Main riff x1    Distorted, hold oct. g

riff two x1   Slightly Distorted
main riff x4

end with octave e

| /  slide up
| \  slide down
| h  hammer-on
| p  pull-off
| ~  vibrato
| >  let ring
| x  Mute note
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