			                NO POETIC DEVICE - AFI

    <>= Artificial Harmonic /= Slide Down (----)=Palm Mute #= Pick Slide
                              = Slide Up

Verse 1
|2-2-55-5-77-777-7------> X4   *At the end of the second time
|2-2-55-5-55-577-7------>       Slide Down(/) and play two more
|0-0-33-3-----55-5(/*)-->       Times.

Verse 2           Cont...
|----------->     |----------->
|----------->     |----------->
|(--)------->     |-(-)--(-)-->
|222245-5--> X3  |4444-3333--> X1
|222245-5-->     |4444-3333-->
|000023-3-->     |2222-1111-->

Play Verse 2(No Cont...) and No Palm Muting[ (---) ]. Then,

Cont... Part 2
|4-5-7-4-5-7-99-10-9--99--9-10-11--> X1

Play Verse 1 again.

Play Verse 2 with No Palm Muting.

Play Cont... again with No Palm Muting.

Play Verse 2 again with no Palm Muting.

Play Cont... Part 2. When you slide down, Hit an open "G" at the end and 

Special       <>                 ##########              ########
|--12---------------12----->    |-------------------------------->
|-----12---12-12-------12-->    |-------------------------------->
|-------------------------->    |-------------------------------->
|--------------------------> X1 |--------------------------------> X1
|-------------------------->    |-------------------------------->
|-------------------------->    |----------00--00--00--00-------->

Play Verse 1 again. End with open "G" while Guitar 2 in the background 

Ending Riff
|9999-7777-8888--10-9-10-9--> X6

Tabbed by: Ricky Riot (9/20/00).
Ricky Riot: Guitarist for Uphieval. RickyRiot@Hotmail.com
            I can Tab any AFI song. Send me your requests.

Music Copyright(C) 1999. Ex Noctem Nacemur Music. BMI

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