This Time Imperfect Tab									by Afi tabs |											tabbed by Rankles | 									comments (2) 																																													1																							2																							3																							4																							5																																															  3 votes 								 																	 									print																																							 									send																																							 									report																																																																																																																										More versions:																																																																																																																																																		Ver 1																																																																																																																																Ver 2																																																																																																																																Ver 3																																																																																																																																Ver 4																																																																																																																																Ver 6																																																																																																																																													 																																																																						 																												Ver 7																																																																																							 																											 																											 																											 																																																																																																																																																																								Recommended tabs																																																											If you like This Time Imperfect Tab by Afi you might also like these songs:																									Hey Jude Chordsby Beatles																									I Miss You Acoustic Chordsby Blink 182																									Umbrella Chordsby Rihanna																																																																																																																																This Time Imperfect Lyricsby Afi Lyrics																						This Time Imperfect Tabat																																																						 																																																																																																																																																																																												 																																																																																																																												+ to speed up (numpad)															- to slow down (numpad)															Esc to stop																												Help																																																																																																																																																											This Time Imperfect tab by Afi, www.Ultimate-Guitar.Com																																													Listen to This Time Imperfect																																														Add to favourites																																																																																														tf_artist = "Afi";											tf_song = "This Time Imperfect";																																																												THIS TIME IMPERFECT
As recorded by AFI
(From the 2003 Album SING THE SORROW)

Transcribed by [A Hedgehog Inside] Intro and touch up by Rankles

Gtr I (Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb) - 'Untitled'
Gtr II (Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb) - 'Untitled'
Gtr III (Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb) - 'Untitled'
Gtr IV (Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb) - 'Untitled'
Gtr V (E A D G B E) - 'Untitled'

  Gtr I


   Verse I

                                                  B5|---------------------------------|---3-----7-----2-(2)--2-0-----| (x244xx@1)|---------------------------------|-----5-----8---0-(0)------0---|

                                    Em (022000@1)                                   <

    Em (022000@1)         F#m (244222@1)       G (320003@1)                    D (xx0232@1)      C||--0--0-0-0-0-0-----------|-3--3-3-3-3-3-----3---|-------------------| (x32010@1)||o-0--0-0-0-0-0-----------|-3--3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-|-7--7-7-7-5--5-5-5-|

  1.                            2.
    Em (022000@1)    C5 (x355xx@1)    D5 (xx023x@1)                         G|---7-7----------------------||-----------------------|| (320003@1)|---8-8-8-8-----------------o||-----8-------10---8----||

                      1.                               2.

 Verse II
                                    E5 (022xxx@1) A5/E

                                             E|-3---3-3---3-3---5---5-5---5-5---|-2h3----0-0-0-0-0-0-0-| (022100@1)|---5-----5-----5---5-----5-----5-|----------5-5-5-5-5-5-|


                                    Em (022000@1)                                   Gtr II
| Gtr III

    Em (022000@1)         F#m (244222@1)       G (320003@1)                    D (xx0232@1)      C (x32010@1)   Gtrs II, III

  1.                            2.
    Em (022000@1)    C5 (x355xx@1)    D5 (xx023x@1)                         G|---7-7----------------------||-----------------------|| (320003@1)|---8-8-8-8-----------------o||-----8-------10---8----||

  Gtr I

| Gtr IV




  Em (022000@1)    C (x32010@1)     G (320003@1)     G/B (143121@7) Gtrs II, III

  E (022100@1)     Esus2 (xx2452@1)     Em (022000@1)        A5/E

    Em (022000@1)         F#m (244222@1)       G (320003@1)                    D (xx0232@1)      C||--0--0-0-0-0-0-----------|-3--3-3-3-3-3-----3---|-------------------| (x32010@1)||o-0--0-0-0-0-0-----------|-3--3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-|-7--7-7-7-5--5-5-5-|

  1.                            2.
    Em (022000@1)    C5 (x355xx@1)    D5 (xx023x@1)        Em (022000@1) Gtr II
| Gtr III


  Gtrs II, III                        Gtr I

                         Gtr V
                         >   <     >    <     >


Tablature Legend
 h   - hammer-on
 p   - pull-off
 b (x24432@1) - bend
 pb  - pre-bend
 r   - bend release (if no number after the r, then release immediately)
 /\  - slide into or out of (from/to "nowhere")
 s   - legato slide
 S   - shift slide
 - natural harmonic
[n]  - artificial harmonic
n(n) - tapped harmonic
 ~   - vibrato
 tr  - trill
 T   - tap
 TP  - trem. picking
 PM  - palm muting
\n/  - tremolo bar dip; n = amount to dip
 \n  - tremolo bar down
 n/  - tremolo bar up
/n\  - tremolo bar inverted dip
 =   - hold bend; also acts as connecting device for hammers/pulls
  - volume swell (louder/softer)
 x   - on rhythm slash represents muted slash
 o   - on rhythm slash represents single note slash

Misc Legend
 |  - bar
||  - double bar
||o - repeat start
o|| - repeat end
*|  - double bar (ending)
 :  - bar (freetime)
 $  - Segno
 &  - Coda
Tempo markers -  = BPM(8/16=s8/s16), where s8 = swing 8ths, s16 = swing 16ths																																															This Time Imperfect Lyrics																																																	tf_artist = "Afi";											tf_song = "This Time Imperfect";																															         																																																																																																		

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