This Time Imperfect Tab									by Afi tabs |											tabbed by pill2comawhite | 									comments (17) 																																													1																							2																							3																							4																							5																																															  15 votes 								 																	 									print																																							 									send																																							 									report																																																																																																																										More versions:																																																																																																																																																		Ver 1																																																																																																																																Ver 2																																																																																																																																Ver 3																																																																																																																																Ver 4																																																																																																																																Ver 5																																																																																																																																													 																																																																						 																												Ver 7																																																																																							 																											 																											 																											 																																																																																																																																																																								Recommended tabs																																																											If you like This Time Imperfect Tab by Afi you might also like these songs:																									Hey Jude Chordsby Beatles																									I Miss You Acoustic Chordsby Blink 182																									Umbrella Chordsby Rihanna																																																																																																																																This Time Imperfect Lyricsby Afi Lyrics																						This Time Imperfect Tabat																																																						 																																																																																																																																																																																												 																																																																																																																												+ to speed up (numpad)															- to slow down (numpad)															Esc to stop																												Help																																																																																																																																																											This Time Imperfect tab by Afi, www.Ultimate-Guitar.Com																																													Listen to This Time Imperfect																																														Add to favourites																																																																																														tf_artist = "Afi";											tf_song = "This Time Imperfect";																																																												BAND: 	AFI
SONG:  	This Time Imperfect
BY:	Drew
TUNE:   1/2 step down - Eb,Ab,Db,Gb,Bb,Eb
NOTE:   chord transcript given also

this might be complicated to play by tab and ear, so email if any questions

* = PM
: = REST

Not hard to figure when its clean vs distortion

This is a great song, i wasnt going to put this tab on the site, but the other
tabs have little things wrong here and there and this tab version should be seen, thanks

          G (320003@1)                D|-------------------|--------------------------| (xx0232@1)|-------------------|--------------------------|

       Em (022000@1)           2nd time NOT played

PRE-CHORUS - This is the part where the song changes
             right after Davey finishes singing
             "Asphyxiate on words i would say"
	     Start it right after the first 2 bars of

         Em----0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0----------------------------------| (022000@1)----0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0----------------------------------|

      Em (022000@1)                  G|--0--0-0-0-0-------3--3-3-3-3--3-3-3------- (320003@1)|--0--0-0-0-0-------3--3-3-3-3--3-3-3-------

    D (xx0232@1)     C (x32010@1)     Em (022000@1)      C (x32010@1)   D (xx0232@1)

2nd TIME
      Em (022000@1)                  G|--0--0-0-0-0-------3--3-3-3-3--3-3-3------- (320003@1)|--0--0-0-0-0-------3--3-3-3-3--3-3-3-------

      D (xx0232@1)     C (x32010@1)   Em (022000@1)   Fm (133111@1)   Em---7--7----5--5-----------------------------| (022000@1)---7--7----5--5-----8-------10----8---------|





      Em (022000@1)                  G|--0--0-0-0-0-------3--3-3-3-3--3-3-3------- (320003@1)|--0--0-0-0-0-------3--3-3-3-3--3-3-3-------

    D (xx0232@1)     C (x32010@1)     Em (022000@1)      C (x32010@1)   D (xx0232@1)

2nd TIME
      Em (022000@1)                  G|--0--0-0-0-0-------3--3-3-3-3--3-3-3------- (320003@1)|--0--0-0-0-0-------3--3-3-3-3--3-3-3-------

      D (xx0232@1)     C (x32010@1)   Em (022000@1)   Fm (133111@1)   Em---7--7----5--5-----------------------------| (022000@1)---7--7----5--5-----8-------10----8---------|



During 5th time, play the first half, then this

      Em (022000@1)                  G|--0--0-0-0-0-------3--3-3-3-3--3-3-3------- (320003@1)|--0--0-0-0-0-------3--3-3-3-3--3-3-3-------

    D (xx0232@1)     C (x32010@1)     Em (022000@1)      C (x32010@1)   D (xx0232@1)

2nd TIME
      Em (022000@1)                  G|--0--0-0-0-0-------3--3-3-3-3--3-3-3------- (320003@1)|--0--0-0-0-0-------3--3-3-3-3--3-3-3-------

   D (xx0232@1)     C (x32010@1)      Em (022000@1)         C (x32010@1)     D (xx0232@1)  Em (022000@1)---7--7----5--5-----0--7------5--5-5--7--7-7--0--7--7-|

          G (320003@1)                D (xx0232@1)                       Em|-------------------|--------------------------|-------------------| (022000@1)|-------------------|--------------------------|-------------------|

This is one of AFI's best songs, but a bitch to tab

with all that shit i probably forgot something, but for the most part its all up there

Does anyone know if there is aSing (x02210@1)the Sorrow tab book out????																																															This Time Imperfect Lyrics																																																	tf_artist = "Afi";											tf_song = "This Time Imperfect";																															         																																																																																																		

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