I hope you enjoy my interpretation of this song ... Garry Smythe
Please e mail me with any corrections or suggestions to:-

Once Bitten Twice Shy    Charlie Landsborough
CHARLIE SINGS THIS IN Bb (which is listed the second section listed below)



A                       A7                   D
I heard it?s said that once you?re bitten, twice you?re shy
            E                        A    
Guess it?s true unless its you I am bitten by
                  A7              D
You just say the word then honey here am I 
        E                      A
Loving you again I don?t know why


A                     A7               D
When you said good - bye I swore that come what may
E                                 A
  If I had the chance again I?d make you pay  
                     A7              D
Then you smile your smile at me, and I?m away
        E                      A     A7
Loving you again I don?t know why

      D                      A
Once bitten twice shy, just doesn?t apply
   E                     A     A7
To me and how I am with you
       D                        A
I can never say when, Cause you hurt me and then
         E                       A
I come running again, what can I do


A                  A7             D
Guess I know that you and I are worlds apart
E                                     A
 And all you?ll ever bring is trouble to my heart
                      A7            D
But just a word from you is all I need to start
       E                       A
Loving you again I don?t know why


      D                      A
Once bitten twice shy, just doesn?t apply
   E                     A     A7
To me and how I am with you
       D                        A
I can never say when, Cause you hurt me and then
         E                       A   A7
I come running again, what can I do


      D                      A
Once bitten twice shy, just doesn?t apply
   E                     A     A7
To me and how I am with you
       D                        A
I can never say when, Cause you hurt me and then
         E                       A
I come running again, what can I do
         E                       A
I come running again, what can I do
         E                       A    E  A
I come running again, what can I do



Bb                      Bb7                  Eb
I heard it?s said that once you?re bitten, twice you?re shy
            F                        Bb
Guess it?s true unless its you I am bitten by
                  Bb7             Eb
You just say the word then honey here am I 
        F                      Bb
Loving you again I don?t know why


Bb                    Bb7              Eb
When you said good - bye I swore that come what may
F                                 Bb
  If I had the chance again I?d make you pay  
                     Bb7             Eb
Then you smile your smile at me, and I?m away
        F                      Bb    Bb7
Loving you again I don?t know why

      Eb                     Bb
Once bitten twice shy, just doesn?t apply
   F                     Bb    Bb7
To me and how I am with you
       Eb                       Bb
I can never say when, Cause you hurt me and then
         F                       Bb
I come running again, what can I do


Bb                 Bb7            Eb
Guess I know that you and I are worlds apart
F                                     Bb
 And all you?ll ever bring is trouble to my heart
                      Bb7           Eb
But just a word from you is all I need to start
       F                       Bb
Loving you again I don?t know why


      Eb                     Bb
Once bitten twice shy, just doesn?t apply
   F                     Bb    Bb7
To me and how I am with you
       Eb                       Bb
I can never say when, Cause you hurt me and then
         F                       Bb  Bb7
I come running again, what can I do


      Eb                     Bb
Once bitten twice shy, just doesn?t apply
   F                     Bb    Bb7
To me and how I am with you
       Eb                       Bb
I can never say when, Cause you hurt me and then
         F                       Bb
I come running again, what can I do
         F                       Bb
I come running again, what can I do
         F                       Bb   F  Bb
I come running again, what can I do



G                       G7                   C
I heard it?s said that once you?re bitten, twice you?re shy
            D                        G
Guess it?s true unless its you I am bitten by
                  G7              C
You just say the word then honey here am I 
        D                      G
Loving you again I don?t know why


G                     G7               C
When you said good - bye I swore that come what may
D                                 G
  If I had the chance again I?d make you pay  
                     G7              C
Then you smile your smile at me, and I?m away
        D                      G     G7
Loving you again I don?t know why

      C                      G
Once bitten twice shy, just doesn?t apply
   D                     G     G7
To me and how I am with you
       C                        G
I can never say when, Cause you hurt me and then
         D                       G
I come running again, what can I do


G                  G7             C
Guess I know that you and I are worlds apart
D                                     G
 And all you?ll ever bring is trouble to my heart
                      G7            C
But just a word from you is all I need to start
       D                       G
Loving you again I don?t know why


      C                      G
Once bitten twice shy, just doesn?t apply
   D                     G     G7
To me and how I am with you
       C                        G
I can never say when, Cause you hurt me and then
         D                       G   G7
I come running again, what can I do


      C                      G
Once bitten twice shy, just doesn?t apply
   D                     G     G7
To me and how I am with you
       C                        G
I can never say when, Cause you hurt me and then
         D                       G
I come running again, what can I do
         D                       G
I come running again, what can I do
         D                       G    D  G
I come running again, what can I do


C                       C7                   F
I heard it?s said that once you?re bitten, twice you?re shy
            G                        C
Guess it?s true unless its you I am bitten by
                  C7              F
You just say the word then honey here am I 
        G                      C
Loving you again I don?t know why


C                     C7               F
When you said good - bye I swore that come what may
G                                 C
  If I had the chance again I?d make you pay  
                     C7              F
Then you smile your smile at me, and I?m away
        G                      C     C7
Loving you again I don?t know why

      F                      C
Once bitten twice shy, just doesn?t apply
   G                     C     C7
To me and how I am with you
       F                        C
I can never say when, Cause you hurt me and then
         G                       C
I come running again, what can I do


C                  C7             F
Guess I know that you and I are worlds apart
G                                     C
 And all you?ll ever bring is trouble to my heart
                      C7            F
But just a word from you is all I need to start
       G                       C
Loving you again I don?t know why


      F                      C
Once bitten twice shy, just doesn?t apply
   G                     C     C7
To me and how I am with you
       F                        C
I can never say when, Cause you hurt me and then
         G                       C   C7
I come running again, what can I do


      F                      C
Once bitten twice shy, just doesn?t apply
   G                     C     C7
To me and how I am with you
       F                        C
I can never say when, Cause you hurt me and then
         G                       C
I come running again, what can I do
         G                       C
I come running again, what can I do
         G                       C    G  C
I come running again, what can I do


D                       D7                   G
I heard it?s said that once you?re bitten, twice you?re shy
            A                        D
Guess it?s true unless its you I am bitten by
                  D7              G
You just say the word then honey here am I 
        A                      D
Loving you again I don?t know why


D                     D7               G
When you said good - bye I swore that come what may
A                                 D
  If I had the chance again I?d make you pay  
                     D7              G
Then you smile your smile at me, and I?m away
        A                      D     D7
Loving you again I don?t know why

      G                      D
Once bitten twice shy, just doesn?t apply
   A                     D     D7
To me and how I am with you
       G                        D
I can never say when, Cause you hurt me and then
         A                       D
I come running again, what can I do


D                  D7             G
Guess I know that you and I are worlds apart
A                                     D
 And all you?ll ever bring is trouble to my heart
                      D7            G
But just a word from you is all I need to start
       A                       D
Loving you again I don?t know why


      G                      D
Once bitten twice shy, just doesn?t apply
   A                     D     D7
To me and how I am with you
       G                        D
I can never say when, Cause you hurt me and then
         A                       D   D7
I come running again, what can I do


      G                      D
Once bitten twice shy, just doesn?t apply
   A                     D     D7
To me and how I am with you
       G                        D
I can never say when, Cause you hurt me and then
         A                       D
I come running again, what can I do
         A                       D
I come running again, what can I do
         A                       D    A  D
I come running again, what can I do


E                       E7                   A
I heard it?s said that once you?re bitten, twice you?re shy
            B                        E
Guess it?s true unless its you I am bitten by
                  E7              A
You just say the word then honey here am I 
        B                      E
Loving you again I don?t know why


E                     E7               A
When you said good - bye I swore that come what may
B                                 E
  If I had the chance again I?d make you pay  
                     E7              A
Then you smile your smile at me, and I?m away
        B                      E     E7
Loving you again I don?t know why

      A                      E
Once bitten twice shy, just doesn?t apply
   B                     E     E7
To me and how I am with you
       A                        E
I can never say when, Cause you hurt me and then
         B                       E
I come running again, what can I do


E                  E7             A
Guess I know that you and I are worlds apart
B                                     E
 And all you?ll ever bring is trouble to my heart
                      E7            A
But just a word from you is all I need to start
       B                       E
Loving you again I don?t know why


      A                      E
Once bitten twice shy, just doesn?t apply
   B                     E     E7
To me and how I am with you
       A                        E
I can never say when, Cause you hurt me and then
         B                       E   E7
I come running again, what can I do


      A                      E
Once bitten twice shy, just doesn?t apply
   B                     E     E7
To me and how I am with you
       A                        E
I can never say when, Cause you hurt me and then
         B                       E
I come running again, what can I do
         B                       E
I come running again, what can I do
         B                       E    B  E
I come running again, what can I do


F                       F7                   Bb
I heard it?s said that once you?re bitten, twice you?re shy
            C                        F
Guess it?s true unless its you I am bitten by
                  F7              Bb
You just say the word then honey here am I 
        C                      F
Loving you again I don?t know why


F                     F7               Bb
When you said good - bye I swore that come what may
C                                 F
  If I had the chance again I?d make you pay  
                     F7              Bb
Then you smile your smile at me, and I?m away
        C                      F     F7
Loving you again I don?t know why

      Bb                     F
Once bitten twice shy, just doesn?t apply
   C                     F     F7
To me and how I am with you
       Bb                       F
I can never say when, Cause you hurt me and then
         C                       F
I come running again, what can I do


F                  F7             Bb
Guess I know that you and I are worlds apart
C                                     F
 And all you?ll ever bring is trouble to my heart
                      F7            Bb
But just a word from you is all I need to start
       C                       F
Loving you again I don?t know why


      Bb                     F
Once bitten twice shy, just doesn?t apply
   C                     F     F7
To me and how I am with you
       Bb                       F
I can never say when, Cause you hurt me and then
         C                       F   F7
I come running again, what can I do


      Bb                     F
Once bitten twice shy, just doesn?t apply
   C                     F     F7
To me and how I am with you
       Bb                       F
I can never say when, Cause you hurt me and then
         C                       F
I come running again, what can I do
         C                       F
I come running again, what can I do
         C                       F    C  F
I come running again, what can I do

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