Chickenfoot - Lighten Up
From 'Chickenfoot III' album
Tuning: Eb (all strings down 1/2 step)
Tabbed by jjhand

Great jam song with a bluesy feel. Please rate and comment.

Intro (Sounds like Organ, but is Satch's Guitar Effect)


Main Riff - played 4x
   "Why you pushing so hard baby?        You could be making it easy"

fourth bar of Main Riff changes each time:

2nd time: pick scrape

3rd time: ascending natural harmonics on 6th string (low Eb)

4th time
                "I said oh, baby       you pushing too hard... lighten up!"

Solo 1 (1:11)



Play Main Riff Again, with new endings:

1st ending          2nd Ending            3rd Ending

|--------------|   |--2NH~~~~~~~----|   |-0--3b--0------0----|
|--5/7\5/7\5/7-|   |----------------|   |-0--3b--0--0---0----|
|--------------|   |----------------|   |-----------2b4------|
|--5/7\5/7\5/7-|   |----------------|   |--------------------|
|--------------|   |----------------|   |--------------------|
|--------------|   |----------------|   |--------------------|

4th time - Pick scrape, then silence

(2:07) play 4x

"You're pushing too hard" ...

(2:15) play 4x
                   "I like it when u want it" ...

Solo 2 (2:31) - Rhythm Guitar plays D5 chords throughout





High Solo Part (2:46) - Add some tremelo picking






Rhythm Guitar during 'High Solo Part'

After solo, play Main riff 8 bars, similar to before

(3:25) Organ Part from Intro Resumes, Guitar 2 repeats this:

  "Oh baby, you're pushin too hard..."

Final Solo (3:50)



  ******* x6 

*******x3  *******x3   *******x3




******* x4

All tremelo picking * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


(4:42)                            **Play this 3x**

  Ab5 (133xxx@4)Gb5 (244xxx@1)  Eb5|-----------------------| (xx134x@1)|-----------------------|
|-----------------------| Joe plays random Eb minor 
|--7----5---------------| pentatonic licks at the end


| /   slide up
| \   slide down
| h   hammer-on
| p   pull-off
| ~   vibrato
| NH  natural harmonic
| x   Mute note
| b   Bend
| r  Bend release
| pbr Pre-bend release
| brb Bend release bend
| TP  Tremelo picking
| T   Right hand tapping

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