This song has a 4/4 time signature, in the key of E.  What I call an "E9" is a barre
chord on the ninth fret, as opposed to an E1, which is the standard open chord.  The A2 is
a normal A played with only the pinky and ring fingers.  There are three chord
progressions: one for the introduction and verses, another for an instrumental section, 
and a third
for the chorus.  There is a tag at the end of the second chorus, and some changes at the
end.  If you have any questions, post them below and I shall try to answer.  I hope
that this song is a blessing to you!

Introduction: C#m, E1, A, C#m, A, E1

C#m                        E1          A
In my own little world, it hardly ever rains.
C#m                     A           E1
I've never gone hungry, always felt safe.
C#m                               E1          A
I've got some money in my pocket, shoes on my feet.
C#m                     A           E1
In my own little world, population: me.

B                 A
What if there's a bigger picture?
C#m         E1
What if I'm missing out?
B                 A
What if there's a greater purpose?
C#m                     E1  E9  B
I could be living right no------w
                      C#m    E9    B
Outside my own little world, oooh, oooh

B       C#m
B       A
B       C#m E1 B
Whoa-oh-oh, oh yeah

B               A
I don't want to miss what matters;
C#m          E1
I want to be reaching out.
B              A
So show me the greater purpose
E1                              E9  B
So I can start living right no------w
                      C#m    E9    B
Outside my own little world, oooh, oooh
              E1     A2    B
My own little world, yeah, yeah
              E1     E9  B
My own little world
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