• Song:


  • Artist:

    Reba McEntire

  • Album:

    Moments & Memories: The...

F# A B F#

F#I (244322@1)remember it all very well lookin' back
           E (022100@1)
It was the summer I turned eighteen
    BWe (x2444x@1)lived in a one room, rundown shack
       D (xx0232@1) 
On the outskirts of New Orleans
   F#We (244322@1)didn't have money for food or rent
            E (022100@1)    
To say the least we were hard pressed
     BThen (x2444x@1)Mama spent every last penny we had
   D (xx0232@1)                         
To buy me a dancin' dress

F#Mama (244322@1)washed and combed and curled my hair
        B (x2444x@1)                 F#and (244322@1)she painted my eyes and lips then I stepped into a satin
                          B (x2444x@1)                    F#dancin' (244322@1)dress that had a split on the side clean up to my hip
        F# (244322@1)          B (x2444x@1)            F#It (244322@1)was red velvet trim and it fit me good
         F#Standin' (244322@1)back from the lookin' glass
                            B (x2444x@1)                 F#There (244322@1)stood a woman where a half grown kid had stood

D (xx0232@1)                   E (022100@1)                 F#She (244322@1)said here's your one chance Fancy don't let me down
 A (x02220@1)                    B (x2444x@1)               F# (244322@1)Here's your one chance Fancy don't let me down

F# (244322@1)                                  EMama (022100@1)dabbed a little bit of perfume on my neck
And she kissed my cheek
       B/D# (x2544x@1)                                      DThen (xx0232@1)I saw the tears wellin' up in her troubled eyes
When she started to speak
    F#She (244322@1)looked at a pitiful shack
                       EAnd (022100@1)then she looked at me and took a ragged breath
              B/D# (x2544x@1)             
She said your Pa's run off and I'm real sick
         D (xx0232@1)And the baby's gonna starve to death
    F#She (244322@1)handed me a heart shaped locket that said
     E"To (022100@1)thine own self be true"
       B/D# (x2544x@1)And I shivered as I watched a roach crawl across
    D (xx0232@1)
the toe of my high heeled shoe
   F#It (244322@1)sounded like somebody else that was talkin'
       A# (x1333x@1)           D#M
Askin' Mama what do I do
          BShe (x2444x@1)said just be nice to the gentlemen Fancy
    C# (x43121@1)And they'll be nice to you

D (xx0232@1)                     E (022100@1)                F# (244322@1)She said, here's your one chance Fancy don't let me down
 A (x02220@1)                    B (x2444x@1)                F# (244322@1)Here's your one chance Fancy don't let me down
        A (x02220@1)                 B (x2444x@1)        DLord (xx0232@1)forgive me for what I do, but if you want out
           EWell (022100@1)it's up to you
           D (xx0232@1)                 C# (x43121@1)                    F#Now (244322@1)don't let me down now your Mama's gonna move you uptown

F#Well (244322@1)that was the last time I saw my Mama
             EThe (022100@1)night I left that rickety shack
     B/D#The (x2544x@1)welfare people came and took the baby
      D (xx0232@1)  
Mama died and I ain't been back

F#But (244322@1)the wheel of fate had started to turn
        EAnd (022100@1)for me there was no way out
        B/D#And (x2544x@1)it wasn't very long 'til I knew exactly
         D (xx0232@1)   
What my Mama'd been talkin' about

F# (244322@1)                                EI (022100@1)knew what I had to do but I made myself this solemn vow
      B/D#That (x2544x@1)I's gonna be a lady someday
         DThough (xx0232@1)I didn't know when or how
  F#I (244322@1)couldn't see spending the rest of my life
         A# (x1333x@1)              D#mWith (xx4342@1)my head hung down in shame you know
   BI (x2444x@1)might have been born just plain white trash
     C# (x43121@1) 
But Fancy was my name

D (xx0232@1)                   E (022100@1)                  F# (244322@1)Here's your one chance Fancy don't let me down
 A (x02220@1)                    B (x2444x@1)                F# (244322@1)Here's your one chance Fancy don't let me down

It wasn't long after a benevolent man
Took me off the street
And one week later I was pourin' his tea
In a five room hotel suite

I charmed a king, a congressman

And an occasional aristocrat

Then I got me a Georgia mansion

In an elegant New York townhouse flat
                 F# (244322@1)   A (x02220@1)   B (x2444x@1)   (F#)
And I ain't gone back

F# (244322@1)                                           BNow (x2444x@1)in this world there's a lot of self-righteous hippocrits
             F# (244322@1)That call me bad
And criticize Mama for turning me out
   B (x2444x@1)                  F# (244322@1)No matter how little we had

But though I ain't had to worry 'bout nothin'
    A# (x1333x@1)             D#m (xx4342@1)For nigh on fifteen years 
             BWell, (x2444x@1)I can still hear the desperation in my poor
        C# (x43121@1)Mama's voice ringin' in my ears 
 D (xx0232@1)                     E (022100@1)                 F#"Here's (244322@1)your one chance Fancy, don't let me down."
     A (x02220@1)                     B (x2444x@1)                 F# (244322@1)Oh. "Here's your one chance Fancy, don't let me down."
          A (x02220@1)                  B (x2444x@1)"Lord, forgive me for what I do 
        DBut (xx0232@1)if you want out
           EWell, (022100@1)it's up to you
     D (xx0232@1)                         C# (x43121@1)                  F#Now (244322@1)don't let me down hon, your mama's gonna move you uptown."

And I guess she did

Outro same as intro

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