D (xx0232@1) D9 D (xx0232@1) Am7It's (x02010@1)quar - ter to three, D (xx0232@1)D9 D (xx0232@1)name="chord_xx0233@1">Dsus4 Am (x02210@1) Am7 (x02010@1) D (xx0232@1) D9 D (xx0232@1)Am7There's (x02010@1)no one in the place ex - cept you and me, D (xx0232@1) D9 D (xx0232@1) Am7 (x02010@1) D (xx0232@1)D9 D (xx0232@1)name="chord_xx0233@1">Dsus4 Am (x02210@1)Am7 (x02010@1) So, set 'em up, Joe, I got a lit - tle sto - ry D (xx0232@1) D9 D (xx0232@1)Am7 (x02010@1) D (xx0232@1)Dm7 D7You (xx0212@1)oughta know. G (320003@1) F7 (131241@1) G (320003@1) F7 (131241@1)Em7 D (xx0232@1) A7 (x02020@1)G/B (143121@7) B7We're (x21202@1)drinkin', my friend, to the end of a brief ep - i - sode -- G (320003@1) G/f# Em7 G (320003@1)G/F# (320002@1)name="chord_143121@7">G/B A7 (x02020@1) DMake (xx0232@1)it one for my baby and one more for the road. G (320003@1) Dm6I (xx0201@1)got the routine, G (320003@1) Dm6 (xx0201@1) Am7 (x02010@1)name="chord_320003@1">G Dm6 (xx0201@1) G (320003@1)Dm6So (xx0201@1)drop an - oth - er nick - el in the mach - ine; G (320003@1) Dm6 (xx0201@1) G (320003@1) Am7 (x02010@1)Dm6I (xx0201@1)feel kind - a bad, wish you'd make the mu - sic G (320003@1) Dm6 (xx0201@1) G (320003@1)Gm7 G7 (320001@1) G6Pret (320000@1)- ty and sad. C (x32010@1) C9 (x3233x@1) C (x32010@1) C9 (x3233x@1)Am7 (x02010@1) G (320003@1) Am7 (x02010@1)Edim (3423xx@1) E7Could (020130@1)tell you a lot, but it's not in the gen - tle - man's code, A7 (x02020@1)Em7 A7 (x02020@1) C (x32010@1)Em7 Edim (3423xx@1)name="chord_x02010@1">Am7 GSo, (320003@1)make it one for my baby and one more for the road. Bridge: Am7 (x02010@1) C9 (x3233x@1) Am7 (x02010@1) D9 You'd never know it but buddy, I'm a kind of poet, G (320003@1) Gm7 G7And (320001@1)I got a lot of things to say; Am7 (x02010@1) C9 (x3233x@1) C (x32010@1) C/B (x2555x@1) Am7And (x02010@1)when I'm gloomy, you gotta listen to me E7 (020130@1) Em7 A7Till (x02020@1)it's all talked away. G (320003@1) Dm6Well (xx0201@1)that's how it goes, G (320003@1) Dm6 (xx0201@1) Am7 (x02010@1) G (320003@1) Dm6 (xx0201@1) G (320003@1)Dm6And (xx0201@1)Joe, I know you're gettin' pretty anx -ious to close; D (xx0232@1) Dm6So, (xx0201@1)thanks for the cheer, G (320003@1) Dm6 (xx0201@1)Am7 (x02010@1)name="chord_320003@1">G Dm6 (xx0201@1)G (320003@1)Gm7 G7I (320001@1)hope you did - n't mind my bendin' your ear. C (x32010@1) C9 (x3233x@1) Am7 (x02010@1) G/B (143121@7) Am7 (x02010@1) G (320003@1) Am7 (x02010@1)name="chord_3423xx@1">Edim E7This (020130@1)torch that I found must be drowned or it soon might ex - plode, A7 (x02020@1)Em7 A7 (x02020@1) C (x32010@1)Em7 Edim (3423xx@1)name="chord_x02010@1">Am7 E7 (020130@1) F7 (131241@1)E7So, (020130@1)make it one for my baby and one more for the road, A7 (x02020@1) Edim (3423xx@1)Am7 (x02010@1) Ab7 (xx1112@1) G (320003@1) Am7 (x02010@1)A7 (x02020@1)D9 Am7 (x02010@1)name="chord_320003@1">G That long, long road.