Using Bar Chords: C,G,F(bar on 8th fret, A string),G#,A#

The way i strum for verses is down down up(palm mute), check the song.

      C (x32010@1)             GI've (320003@1)done too much of some things

     C (x32010@1)          G (320003@1)
And not enough of others

          C (x32010@1)        G (320003@1)          C (x32010@1)        GJust (320003@1)like all life lovers

      F (133211@1)             CI've (x32010@1)changed and changed 

      F (133211@1)            Cand (x32010@1)changed and changed

      F (133211@1)           C (x32010@1)          F (133211@1)          C (x32010@1)
From one thing to another

         C (x32010@1)           GI've (320003@1)had complicated dealings

       C (x32010@1)        G (320003@1)    
With complicated feelings

      C (x32010@1)            G (320003@1)      C (x32010@1)          GAnd (320003@1)I've cut and bruised and torn

       F (133211@1)          C (x32010@1)             FI (133211@1)made blinds on the windows of my mind 

         C (x32010@1)          F (133211@1)          C (x32010@1)       F (133211@1)       Cwith (x32010@1)the time that my back once wore

    GI'm (320003@1)a single person in this universe
And I am here to say to you:

         COn (x32010@1)the day that I die I'll just give a smile
And fly into the blue

(Cause we're all just)

   G#Protons, (xx1114@1)Neutrons, Electrons

                GminThat (3132xx@1)rest on a Sunday

                             G#Work (xx1114@1)on a Monday and someday soon

                     A#We'll (x1333x@1)be singing the old tunes

          Gmin (3132xx@1)       G#Zip-A-dee-doo-dah, (xx1114@1)Zip-A-dee-doo

        G# (xx1114@1)              A#I'll (x1333x@1)be sitting on the porch with you

                    G# (xx1114@1)                GThen (320003@1)I'll die and I'll fly off into the blue

Verse 2 (same)

Some night I see the world with its winds and its whirls
And I feel undefeated
But every day I see the girl with the strawberry curl
And I'm too shy to meet her
Some nights I go to bed
There's a ghost in the air above my head
And I tremble
Sometimes I eat KFC
Other times I give up meat
And I just eat lentils
I'm a singe person in the universe
And I am here to sing a song
About the day that I was born
Till the day that I'll be gone
And the song won't last for long
(Cause we're all just )

CHORUS (different lyrics)

Verse 3

And enemy is a remedy to a malady in your melody
If you're strong not brittle
And a friend is a friend
Is a friend to the end and it's oh so simple
A man is a man and a woman is a woman
But the times we are living in demand 
That a man can change from a man to a woman
And a woman can demand to be a man
We're just flesh with socks and locks and frocks
And I am here to say to you
On the day that I die I'll just give a smile and fly into the blue
(Cause we're all just )

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