transcribed by Ben Malley here's what i see as the intro/verse of "what went wrong" (#9 on challenge) intro: 2 chords 1:x-0-10-(b9)x-x 2:x-0-(b9)(b9)x-x just alternate between chords 1 and 2, piece of cake. verse: chord 1 C5 he appeared in the kit - chen chord 1 Bb5 and the group was say - ing chord 1 C5 she comes with high regard chord 1 Bb5 and she gets what she wants piece of cake... my feeling is that the chorus begins with a riff alternated between the notes Bb and C with hammer ons... but i haven't had access to an electric to test it out. next week: sexually frustrated rock bands and the music that becomes them. -ben malley... if you want to e-mail me please use: not that i check it or anything. dear whoever, in my last message on the chords for "what went wrong", i didn't see that the two chords (1 + 2) were actually just different voicings for Amin and Asus2 (low to high: 002200) respectively. i also realized later that the C5 and Bb5 power chords are really C major and Bb major. the song is basically just Am to Asus2 in the intro. the verse goes Am C Am Bb... it's kind of cheesy. i'm disappointed. anyway...more to come.