• Song:

    Eileen Og

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Eileen Og an' that the darlin's name is
Through the Barony her features they were famous
If we loved her then who was there to blame us
    [Em]                    [Am]          [Em]  [Am]
For wasn't she the Pride of Petravore?
[Am]          [C]
But her beauty made us all so shy
[Em]           [Am]
Not a man could look her in the eye
[Am]          [C]
Boys, Oh boys, sure that's the reason why
        [Em]                       [Am]        [Em]    [Am]
We're in mournin' for the Pride of Petravore

[Am]       [C]
:Eileen Og me heart is growin' grey,
[Em]                  [Am]
Ever since the day you wandered far away
[Am]            [C]
Eileen Og there's good fish in the say,
[Em]                                      [Am]      [Em]  [Am]
But there's none of them like the Pride of Petravore

Friday at the fair of Ballintubber
Eileen met McGrath the cattle jobber
I'd like to set me mark upon the robber
[Em]                           [Am]        [Em]   [Am]
For he stole away the Pride of Petravore
[Am]           [C]
He never seemed to see the girl at all
[Em]                    [Am]
Even when she ogled him from underneath her shawl
[Am]                     [C]
Lookin' big and masterful when she was lookin' small
[Em]                           [Am]       [Em]   [Am]
Most provokin' for the Pride of Petravore

So it went as 'twas in the beginning
Eileen Og was bent upon the winning
Big McGrath contentedly was grinning
[Em]                          [Am]     [Em]   [Am]
Being courted by the Pride of Petravore
[Am]                                                  [C]
Sez he: "I know a girl that could knock you into fits"
[Em]                 [Am]
At that Eileen nearly lost her wits
[Am]                      [C]
The upshot of the ruction was that now the robber sits
[Em]                             [Am]       [Em]   [Am]
With his arm around the Pride of Petravore

[Am]        [C]
Eileen Og me heart is growin' grey,
[Em]               [Am]
Ever since the day you wandered far away
[Am]             [C]
Eileen Og there's good fish in the say,
[Em]                                      [Am]     [Em]  [Am]
But there's none of them like the Pride of Petravore

Boys, Oh boys, with fate 'tis hard to grapple
Of my eyes 'tis Eileen was the apple
Now to see her walkin' to the chapel
[Em]                            [Am]      [Em]   [Am]
With the hardest featured man in Petravore
[Am]             [C]
Now, boys, this is all I have to say:
[Em]                  [Am]
When you do your courtin' make no display
[Am]                         [C]
If you want them to run after you, just walk the other way
[Em]                                [Am]      [Em]   [Am]
For they're mostly like the Pride of Petravore

[Am]         [C]
Eileen Og me heart is growin' grey,
[Em]               [Am]
Ever since the day you wandered far away
[Am]             [C]
Eileen Og there's good fish in the say,
[Em]                                      [Am]     [Em]  [Am]
But there's none of them like the Pride of Petravore

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