• Song:

    Zoot Allures

  • Artist:

    Frank Zappa


Date: Mon, 19 Aug 1996 17:47:22 -0700
From: hotrats@cloud9.net (Jeremy Sarna)
Subject: zappa_frank: zoot_allures_88.tab

_Zoot Allures_
by Frank Zappa
transcribed by Jeremy Sarna (hotrats@cloud9.net)
with help from Mike Keneally (boilthat@aol.com)

This transcription is based on the version of Zoot Allures featured on
TBBYNHIYL.  The bar lines only separate phrases, and don't correspond
to any musical-notation reality.

This version differs from Howard Wright's version (currently residing
at Nevada) in that some of the chord  voicings are different, and the
run at bar 7 is played at the first position, instead of the sixth.

This transcription has been declared accurate by Mike Keneally, FZ's
guitarist during the 1988 tour (who also helped me out with some of
the trickier voicings).

Symbology:  / = slide up
            \ = slide down
            ~ = vibrato
           HO = hammer on
           PO = pull off

 let ring


               (w/chorus)           ~~~                       ~~~


                            (fill)                                HO  PO
--6---6--|----7---7----|      ------------------------------------------|
--7---7--|----8---8----|     (*)----------------------------------------|
--6---6--|----7---7----|     (*)--16--16--16--16---5-5--/-7-7---7--9--7-|
--6---6--|----7---7----|     (*)--12--12--12--12---5-5--/-7-7---7--9--7-|
--6---6--|----7---7----|        ----------------------------------------|
---------|-------------|      ------------------------------------------|
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