• Song:

    Angels Walk Among Us

  • Artist:


  • Album:

    We're Here Because We'r...

                                A N A T H E M A


                     A N G L E S   W A L K   A M O N G   U S

                          WE'RE HERE BECAUSE WE'RE HERE
                           (c) KScope Records (2010)

                              Tune down half a step:
                                 D# G# C# F# A# D#

  Guitars 1, 2 & 3 have a capo on the 5th fret; all chords and notes for these
  guitars are relative to the capo (i.e. an open string is the 5th fret on the

                                  Tempo = 90 BPM
                              Time Signature = 3/4

                                 Transcribed by

                                 PADDY MCMULLAN
                           pmtabs (@t) gmail [dot] com

                                   Version 1.0
                                  4th June 2010

                             Tablature Symbols Used:

 (/)       -  Legato Slide (Blank space indicates length of slide)
 \         -  Slide Down to/Down From (Blank space indicates length of slide)
 /         -  Slide Up To/Up From (Blank space indicates length of slide)
 ( )       -  Ghost Note/Tied Note/Implied Note
 REST      -  Rest and sustain rest for duration of blank space
 |_3_|     -  Triplet Notes
 |___[1]   -  Ending 1/2/3 etc.
 3~~       -  Vibrato

Intro: Guitars 1 & 2 (Clean & Acoustic)





For the final three bars the acoustic guitar is replaced by Guitar 3, another
clean electric.

Intro Lead 1.1: Guitar 4 with Overdrive & Ebow

The Ebow is set to the harmonic option which makes the notes sound one octave
higher than written.

||--10--  p 9------  / | -12--- \ 9------- h | -10--- p 9------- \ |

|--7--- / 9------- h | -10--- p 9------- / | -12--- \ 9------- h |

| -10--- p 9--------|-(9)~~---------- p | -10--- p 9------- \ |

| -7--- / 9------- h | -10--- p 9------- / | -12--- \ 9------- h |

| -10--- p 9------- \ |--7--- / 9------- / | -14------- / 16 / 17 / |

| -19------- h 21 h 22 h ||

Intro Lead 1.2: Guitar 5 with Overdrive & Ebow

The Ebow is set to the harmonic option which makes the notes sound one octave
higher than written.

Rest for 7 bars.

||--5/10~~-------------|--(10)--------- \ | -8~~----------- / |

| -10~~----------- \ | -5~~----------- / | -10~------------ \ |

| -8~~----------- \ | -5~~----------- \ | -3~~-----------||

Section 1.1: Guitars 1 & 3

[Part 1:] x 4


|------------------|-----------------|------------------|-----------------| |
|-------------3----|---------0-------|-------------3----|---------0-------| |
|--3---------------|--5--------------|--3---------------|--5--------------| |
|------------------|-----------------|------------------|-----------------| |


[Part 2:] x 2


|------------------|-----------------|------------------|-----------------| |
|-------------3----|---------0-------|-------------3----|---------0----1--| |
|--3---------------|--5--------------|--3---------------|--5--------------| |
|------------------|-----------------|------------------|-----------------| |

[Part 3:] x 2


|-------------0----|-------------0----|-------------0----|-------------0----| |
|-------------0----|-------------0----|-------------0----|-------------0----| |
|--3-------3-------|--5-------5-------|--3-------3-------|--5-------5-------| |
|------------------|------------------|------------------|------------------| |

[Part 1:] x 4 [Overdrive On] with the following amendments:

Bar 1:


Last bar:


During the transition between Part 3 and the repeat of Part 1 a distorted guitar
fill is played:

  /  Fade in and then out  \

[Part 4:] x 2


|-------------0----|-------------0----|-------------0----|-------------0----| |
|-------------0----|-------------0----|-------------0----|-------------0----| |
|--3-------3-------|--5-------5-------|--3-------3-------|--5-------5-------| |
|------------------|------------------|------------------|------------------| |


Section 1.2: Guitar 3 (Acoustic)

This part enters on the last bar of Section 1.1.

  1               2               3               4

 5                    6                    7

 8                    9                    10

 11                   12                   13

 14                   15                   16

 17                   18                   19              20

Outro: Guitar 6 with Clean Tone

Bar x overlaps with the last bar of Section 1

  x                  1                     2
||--R--  ----------||---------------------|--------------------|
||--E--  --0-------||---------------------|-----------0--------|
||--S--  -------3--||--2------2---2----2--|------2----------3--|
||--T--  ----------||--0---0----0---0-----|--0------0----0-----|

 3                     4                    5

 6                    7                    8

 9                      10                   11

 12                   13                   14

 15                   16                   17

Section 1 & Outro Lead: Guitar 4 with Ebow

To make it easier to navigate through this section I've placed markers where
the relevant changes take place.  For instance, bars 1 to 32 are played over
Part 1 of Section 1.1, so a label of [PART 1] will be placed above the tab.

[ PART 1 ]

  1                         2                       3
||--21----- p 19 \ 17--- \ |--16------- / 21 h 22 p| -21----- p 19 \ 17--- \ |

 4                       5                         6
|--16------- h 17 h 19 p| -17----- p 16 \ 14--- \ | -12------- / 17 h 19 p|

 7                         8                       9
| -17----- h 16 \ 14--- \ | -12------- / 21 h 22 p| -21----- \ 19 \ 17--- \ |

 10                      11                        12
| -16------- / 21 h 22 p| -21----- h 19 \ 17--- \ |--16------- h 17 h 19 p|

 13                        14                      15
| -17----- h 16s--14--- \ | -12------- / 17 h 19 p| -17----- \ 16 \ 14--- \ |

 16                   17                 18
|--12--------- \ 10 p| -9------------ / | -12   \   14----- \ |

 19              20                    21              22
|--9--------- / |--12   /   14----- \ | -5--------- / | -7   /   9----- \ |

 23              24                25                 26
|--5--------- / | -7   /   9------|--(9)---------- / | -12   /   14----- \ |

 27                 28                    29              30
|--9------------ / | -12   /   14----- \ | -5--------- / |--7   /   9----- \ |

                                      [ PART 2 ]
 31                 32                 33                 34
|--5------------ / | -7------------ / | -9------------ / | -12------------ / |

 35                  36                    37
| -14------------ / | -16--------- h 17 / | -12------------|

 38                       39                     40
|--(12)-- / 17--- \ 16 \ | -12------------10p9\ | -7----- \ 5------|

 41                 42                  43
|--9------------ / |--12------------ / |--14------------ / |

                      [ PART 3 ]
 44                    45               46
| -16--------- / 17 \ | -12------------|--(12)-- / 17--- \ 16 \ |

 47                     48                      49
| -12------------10p9\ | -7------/ 14/21 h 22 p| -21----- p 19 \ 17--- \ |

 50                      51                        52
| -16------- / 21 h 22 p| -21----- p 19 \ 17--- \ | -16------- / 17 h 19 p|

 53                        54
| -17----- \ 16 \ 14--- \ | -12------- / 17 h 19 p|

 55                             56
| -17----- \ 16 \ 14 h 16 p14\ | -12------- / 21 h 22 p|

 57                        58                      59
| -21----- / 19 \ 17--- \ | -16------- / 21 h 22 p| -21----- \ 19 \ 17--- \ |

[ PART 1 ]
 60                      61                        62
|--16------- h 17 h 19 p| -17----- p 16 \ 14--- \ | -12------- / 17 h 19 p|

 63                        64               65
| -17----- p 16 \ 14--- \ |--12--------- \ | -9------- / 12--- \ |

 66                   67                    68
|--7----- \ 5----- / | -9------- / 12--- \ | -7----- \ 5------|

 69                 70                   71                 72
|--(5)---------- / | -7----- / 9----- \ | -5------------ / |--7---------- /|

 73                    74                   75
| -9------- / 12--- \ | -7----- \ 5----- / | -9------- / 12--- \ |

 76                 77                 78                   79
| -7----- \ 5------|--(5)---------- / | -7----- / 9----- \ | -5------------ / |

 80              81                    82
| -7--------- / | -9------- / 12--- \ | -7----- \ 5----- / |

 83                    84                 85
| -9------- / 12--- \ | -7----- \ 5------|--(5)---------- / |

 86                   87                 88              89
| -7----- / 9----- \ | -5------------ / | -7--------- / | -9------- / 12--- \ |

                     [ PART 4 ]
 90                   91                    92
| -7----- \ 5----- / | -9------- / 12--- \ |--4----- / 5------|

 93                 94                   95                 96
|--(5)---------- / | -7----- / 9----- \ | -5------------ / |--7--------- / |

 97                        98                      99
| -21----- p 19 \ 17--- \ | -16------- / 21 h 22 p| -21----- h 19 \ 17--- \ |

 100                     101                       102
| -16------- h 17 h 19 p| -17----- p 16 \ 14--- \ | -12------- / 17 h 19 p|

 103                            104
| -17----- \ 16 \ 14 h 16 p14\ | -12------- / 21 h 22 p|

                                                  [ ACOUSTIC SECTION ]
 105                       106                     107
| -21----- p 19 \ 17--- \ | -16------- / 21 h 22 p| -21----- p 19 \ 17--- \ |

 108                     109                 110
| -16------- / 17 h 19 p| -17------------ p | -16------------ \ |

 111                 112                     113
| -14------------ \ | -12------- / 21 h 22 p| -21----- p 19 \ 17--- \ |

 114                     115                       116
| -16------- / 21 h 22 p| -21----- p 19 \ 17--- \ | -16------- h 17 h 19 p|

 117                       118
| -17----- p 16 \ 14--- \ | -12------- / 17 h 19 p|

 119                            120
| -17----- \ 16 \ 14 h 16 p14\ | -12------- / 21 h 22 p|

 121                       122                     123
| -21----- p 19 \ 17--- \ | -16------- / 21 h 22 p| -21----- p 19 \ 17--- \ |

 124                     125                 126
| -16------- / 17 h 19 p| -17------------ \ | -16------------ \ |

                                         [ OUTRO ]
 127                 128                  129
| -14------------ \ | -12--------- \ 10--| -9------------|

 130                     131             132
|--(9)--- \ 12--- \ 10 p| -9------------|--(9)--- / 12--- \ 10 p|

 133                134                     135
| -9--- \ 5--------|--(5)--- / 12--- \ 10 p| -9--- \ 5--------|

 136                     137             138                     139
|--(5)--- / 12--- \ 10 p| -9------------|--(9)--- / 12--- \ 10 p| -9--------|

 140                     141                142
|--(9)--- / 12--- \ 10 p| -9--- \ 5--------|--(5)--- / 12--- \ 10 p|

 143                144                     145
| -9--- \ 5--------|--(5)--- / 12--- \ 10 p| -9h10p9\7h9---------------|

 146             147             148


Tab summary:        Intro + Lead x 1
                    Section 1 (with Lead):
                                          Part 1 x 4
                                          Part 2 x 2
                                          Part 3 x 2
                                          Part 1 x 4
                    Section 1.2 (with Lead) x 1
                    Outro (with Lead) x 1

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