• Song:

    Dreaming Light

  • Artist:


  • Album:

    Dreaming Light

                                A N A T H E M A


                           D R E A M I N G   L I G H T

                          WE'RE HERE BECAUSE WE'RE HERE
                           (c) KScope Records (2010)

                              Tune down half a step:
                                 D# G# C# F# A# D#

                                  Tempo = 74 BPM
                              Time Signature = 4/4

                                 Transcribed by

                                 PADDY MCMULLAN
                           pmtabs (@t) gmail [dot] com

                                   Version 1.1
                                20th January 2011
                     (Corrections Outlined at Bottom of Tab)

                             Tablature Symbols Used:

 (/)       -  Legato Slide (Blank space indicates length of slide)
 \         -  Slide Down to/Down From (Blank space indicates length of slide)
 /         -  Slide Up To/Up From (Blank space indicates length of slide)
 ( )       -  Ghost Note/Tied Note/Implied Note
 REST      -  Rest and sustain rest for duration of blank space
 |_3_|     -  Triplet Notes
 |___[1]   -  Ending 1/2/3 etc.
 3~~       -  Vibrato
 15>>      -  Volume Swell (Fade in)
 15<<      -  Volume Swell (Fade out)
 ///       -  Tremolo Picking

Rest for 3 bars

Lead Fill #1: Guitar 4 with Mild Overdrive and Delay

||---------------------|------------------------| |---------------|
||--15>>~~-------------|--(15)----(22>> \  20)--| |--(20 \15)-----|
||---------------------|------------------------| |---------------|

| |--------------------||
| |--(15)<<------------||
| |--------------------||

Rest for 4 bars

| |------------| |-----------------15--|--15------14------------| |-----------||
| |--15>>------| |--(15)---------------|----------------15------| |--(15)<<---||
| |------------| |---------------------|------------------------| |-----------||

Rest for 57 bars

Lead Fill #2: Guitar 4

* Let notes ring wherever possible *

||--R--        --8--8--8--|--7---7---7---7---7---7---7---7---||
||--E--        --0--------|--0---0---0---0---0---0---0---0---||
||--S--        --0--------|----------------------------------||
||--T--        -----------|----------------------------------||

Guitar 3 (Acoustic) plays the following chords, all strummed with down strokes:


Section 2.1: Guitar 1 with Heavy Distortion

Bar x overlaps with the last bar of Lead Fill #2

  x               1            2            3                  4

 5                 6            7                 8

 9                    10                   11

 12                            13                          14

 15                 16                 17

 18                   19                  20

 21                        22                       23

 24                   25                    26

 27                        28                   29

 30                                 31           32
|--8---8---8---8---8---8---8---8---|--8---------|--(8 )--------||
|--0---0---0---0---0---0---0---0---|--0---------|--(0 )--------||

Section 2.2: Guitar 2 with Heavy Distortion

Bar x overlaps with the last bar of Lead Fill #2

  x               1            2            3                   4

 5                  6            7                    8

 9                    10                   11

 12                    13                        14

 15                  16                  17

 18                   19                   20

 21                        22                        23

 24                             25                    26

 27                     28                   29

 30                                 31           32
|--8---8---8---8---8---8---8---8---|--8---------|--(8 )--------||
|--0---0---0---0---0---0---0---0---|--0---------|--(0 )--------||

Section 2.3: Guitar 3 (Acoustic)

All chords are strummed with down strokes; notice the change in strumming from
bar 5 onwards.

  1                       2                       3

 4                       5

 6                          7

 8                          9

 10                         11

 12                         13

 14                          15

 16                         17

 18                         19

 20                         21

 22                         23

 24                         25

 26                         27

 28                         29

 30                         31

Lead Fill #3: Guitar 4

||--R--    -(8/15)-------|--(15/20)--------------|--R--            --|
||--E--    --------------|-----------------------|--E--            --|
||--S--    --------------|-----------------------|--S--            --|
||--T--    --------------|-----------------------|--T--            --|


|--------------------|--R--            --|--------------------|
|--------------------|--E--            --|--------------------|
|--------------------|--S--            --|--------------------|
|--------------------|--T--            --|--------------------|

|-------------------|--R--            --|--15>>--------------|
|-------------------|--E--            --|--------------------|
|-------------------|--S--            --|--------------------|
|-------------------|--T--            --|--------------------|

|--15----------------|-(15) \ ----------------|--------17----20>>------|

|-(19 \17 \15)-------------|------------------------|--------------------|

|-----------14<<------|--(14)----------   \--||


Tab summary:        Lead Fill #1 x 1
                    Lead Fill #2 x 1
                    Section 2 x 1
                    Lead Fill #3 x 1


Corrections (20/01/11):

* Added the second part of the first lead fill which was previously missing.
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