• Song:

    Lost Control

  • Artist:


  • Album:

    Alternative 4

AnathemA - Lost control
album: alternative4

1rst part:  Em C Em C Em C ..... and so it goes
Life has betrayed me once again,
I accept some things will never change.
I've let your tiny minds magnify my agony,
and it's left me with a chem'cal dependency for sanity.

2nd part:  Am F Am F Am F ..... and so it goes
Yes, I am falling... how much longer till I hit the ground?
I can't tell you why I'm breaking down.
Do you wonder why I prefer to be alone?
Have I really lost control?

3rd part:  Am Dm F, Am Dm F, Am Dm F ..... and so it goes
I'm coming to an end,
I've realised what I could have been.
I can't sleep so I take a breath and hide behind my bravest mask,
I admit I've lost control.

and Am, F, G  for the ending

chords given by Duncan Patterson himself.

for any questions.
i hope noone tries to correct it :P 
cause the songwritter gave me the chords. lol
email me at : bri-lliant@windowslive.com
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